Archival Journals
- Deniz Öztürk, Francesca Bernardi, N.G. Cogan, Kunal Gupta, Shankararaman Chellam (2025). Optimization of Surface Water Microfiltration with Hydraulic and Chemically Enhanced Backwashing, Journal of Membrane Science, 717, 123550
- Bilal Abada, Jana Safarik, Kenneth Ishida, and Shankararaman Chellam (2025). Phenomenological Interpretations of Membrane Properties Following Repeated Chemical Cleaning of an End-of-Life Potable Reuse Reverse Osmosis Element Dominated by Inorganic Fouling, ACS ES&T Engineering 5 167–178
- Sanket Joag, Jonathan Kiesewetter, Shankararaman Chellam (2025). Electrode corrosion, pH and dissolved oxygen dynamics, and hardness/silicon removal during aluminum electrocoagulation of hypersaline produced water, ACS ES&T Engineering 5 86–102
- Thomas Gill, Forrest Mims, and Shankararaman Chellam (2024). African dust: Occurrence, health consequences, and impacts on Texas, The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles, 12(53):1–9
- Kyungho Kim, Cesar Castillo, Gyoung Gug Jang, Yuxuan Zhang, Costas Tsouris, and Shankararaman Chellam (2024). Porous Iron Electrodes Reduce Energy Consumption during Electrocoagulation of a Virus Surrogate: Insights into Performance Enhancements using Three-dimensional Neutron Computed Tomography, ACS ES&T Engineering, 4 (10) 2573–2584
- Sagar Rathod, Douglas S. Hamilton, Lance Nino, Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Qijing Bian, Natalie M. Mahowald, Andres Alastuey, Xavier Querol, Adina Paytan, Paulo Artaxo, Barak Herut, Cassandra Gaston, Joseph Prospero, Shankararaman Chellam, Christoph Hueglin, Daniela Varrica, Gaetano Dongarra, David D. Cohen, Patricia Smichowski, Dario Gomez, Fabrice Lambert, Francisco Barraza, Gilles Bergametti, Sergio Rodríguez, Yenny Gonzalez-Ramos, Jenny Hand, Katriina Kyllonen, Hannele Hakola, Patrick Chuang, Philip Hopke, Roy M. Harrison, Randall V. Martin, Brenna Walsh, Crystal Weagle, Willy Maenhaut, Yasser Morera-Gómez, Yu-Cheng Chen, Jeffrey R. Pierce, and Tami C. Bond (2024). Constraining present-day anthropogenic total iron emissions using model and observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (17) e2023JD040332.
- Gyoung Gug Jang, Cesar Castillo, Swapnamoy Dutta, Yi-Feng Su, Jiheon Jun, Jong Keum, Kyungho Kim, Shankararaman Chellam, and Costas Tsouris (2024). Performance Restoration of Iron Electrodes by Polarity Reversal After Long-term Surface Fouling in Wastewater Electrocoagulation, ACS ES&T Water, 4 (6) 2390–2402
- Louis Lu, Longlei Li, Sagar Rathod, Peter Hess, Carmen Martínez, Nicole Fernandez, Christine Goodale, Janice Thies, Michelle Y. Wong, Maria Grazia Alaimo, Paulo Artaxo, Francisco Barraza, Africa Barreto, David Beddows, Shankararaman Chellam, Ying Chen, Patrick Chuang, David D. Cohen, Gaetano Dongarrà, Cassandra Gaston, Darío Gómez, Yasser Morera-Gómez, Hannele Hakola, Jenny Hand, Roy Harrison, Philip Hopke, Christoph Hueglin, Yuan-Wen Kuang, Katriina Kyllönen, Fabrice Lambert, Willy Maenhaut, Randall Martin, Adina Paytan, Joseph Prospero, Yenny González, Sergio Rodriguez, Patricia Smichowski, Daniela Varrica, Brenna Walsh, Crystal Weagle, Yi-Hua Xiao, Natalie Mahowald (2024). Characterizing the Atmospheric Mn Cycle and Its Impact on Terrestrial Biogeochemistry, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38 (4) e2023GB007967
- Qinlin Li, Kyungho Kim, Sanket Joag, Jana Safarik, Kenneth Ishida, Yinshuang Hu, Yu-Xi Huang, Shankararaman Chellam (2024). Indirect Evidence that Colloidal Deposition Inside a Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane Exacerbated Fouling during Municipal Wastewater Reclamation, ACS ES&T Engineering, 4 (3) 591-602
- Sourav Das, Alyvia McEwen, Joseph Prospero, Daniel Spalink, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). Respirable Metals, Bacteria, and Fungi during a Saharan-Sahelian Dust Event in Houston, Texas, Environmental Science & Technology. 57 19942-19955
- Kushal Seth, Margaret Busse, Gyoung Jang, Sanket Joag, Kyungho Kim, Thomas Pankratz, Divyansh Sahu, Ramesh Sharma, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, Costas Tsouris, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). Electrocoagulation of high salinity produced water: Lessons learned from its early applications in unconventional reservoir plays, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. 42 100952
- Kyungho Kim, Ruth Baltus, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). Rejection and Fouling of Track-Etched Microfiltration Membranes by Acholeplasma laidlawii: Clues to Mycoplasma Behavior during “Sterile” Dead-end Filtration. Journal of Membrane Science, 685 121925.
- Bilal Abada, Sanket Joag, Brent Alspach, Angel Bustamante, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). Inorganic and Organic Silicon Fouling of Nanofiltration Membranes During Pilot-Scale Direct Potable Reuse. ACS ES&T Engineering, 3 1413-1423. (selected as issue cover)
- Brent Alspach, Bilal Abada, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). The Future of Reverse Osmosis Optimization, Part 2: Advanced Forensics, Journal AWWA, 115 (2) 36-46. Feature article.
- Francesca Bernardi, Shankararaman Chellam, Nicholas Cogan, and Nick Moore (2023). Stokes Flow Solutions in Infinite and Semi-Infinite Porous Channels. Studies in Applied Mathematics. 151 (1) 116-140.
- Sourav Das, Joseph Prospero, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). Quantifying International and Interstate Contributions to Primary Ambient PM2.5 and PM10 in a Complex Metropolitan Atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment, 292, 119415.
- Vincenzo Luongo, Maria Rosaria Mattei, Luigi Frunzo, Berardino D’Acunto, Kunal Gupta, Shankararaman Chellam, Nicholas Gregory Cogan (2023). A transient biological fouling model for constant flux microfiltration. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20 (1): 1274-1296.
- Kaleisha Miller, Wei-Liang Chuang, Kyungho Kim, Kuang-An Chang, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). Simultaneous In Situ Characterization of Turbulent Flocculation and Reactor Mixing Using Image Analysis and Particle Image Velocimetry in Unison. ACS ES&T Engineering, 3 (2), 295–305 (selected as issue cover)
- Brent Alspach, Bilal Abada, and Shankararaman Chellam (2023). The Future of Reverse Osmosis Optimization, Part 1: Intelligent Water, Journal AWWA, 115 (1) 42-47. Feature article.
- Bilal Abada, Sanket Joag, Ramesh Sharma, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Hypersaline Produced Water Clarification by Dissolved Air Flotation and Sedimentation with Ultrashort Residence Times. Water Research. 226, 119241.
- Bilal Abada, Jana Safarik, Kenneth Ishida, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Elucidating foulant diversity during full-scale potable reuse: Forensic analysis of lead and lag elements of a three stage reverse osmosis system. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2 2116–2129
- Kyungho Kim, Anindito Sen, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Removal and inactivation of non-enveloped and enveloped virus surrogates by conventional coagulation and electrocoagulation using aluminum and iron. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2 1974-1986.
- Sourav Das, Brent V. Miller, Joseph Prospero, Cassandra J. Gaston, Haley M. Royer, Edmund Blades, Peter Sealy, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Coupling Sr-Nd-Hf isotope ratios and elemental analysis to accurately quantify North African dust contributions to PM2.5 in a complex urban atmosphere by reducing mineral dust collinearity. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 7729-7740
- Bilal Abada, Jana Safarik, Kenneth Ishida, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Surface Characterization of End-of-Life Reverse Osmosis Membranes from a Full-Scale Advanced Water Reuse Facility: Combined Role of Bioorganic Materials and Silicon on Chemically Irreversible Fouling. Journal of Membrane Science, 653 120511
- Kunal Gupta and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Revealing the mechanisms of irreversible fouling during microfiltration – The role of feedwater composition. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 107362
- Sourav Das, Brent V. Miller, Joseph Prospero, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Analysis of Reference Materials and Natural and Anthropogenic Particulate Matter Sources: Implications for Accurately Tracing North African Dust in Complex Urban Atmospheres. Talanta, 241(15) 123236
- Nicholas G. Cogan, Deniz Ozturk, Kenneth Ishida, Jana Safarik, and Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Membrane Aging Effects on Water Recovery During Full-scale Potable Reuse: Mathematical Optimization of Backwashing Frequency for Constant-Flux Microfiltration. Separation and Purification Technology, 286 120294
- Kaleisha D Miller, Matthew James Bentley, Joseph N Ryan, Karl G. Linden, Caleb Larison, Benjamin A Kienzle, Lynn E. Katz, Alana M Wilson, Jordan T Cox, Parthiv Kurup, Kurt M Van Allsburg, James McCall, Jordan Macknick, Michael Talmadge, Ariel Miara, Kurban A Sitterley, Anna Evans, Kiran Thirumaran, Mini Malhotra, Susana Garcia Gonzalez, Jennifer R Stokes-Draut, Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Mine Water Use, Treatment, and Reuse in the United States: A Look at Current Industry Practices and Select Case Studies. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2 391-408.
- Jesús Alejandro Torres-Betancourt, Rene Hernandez-Delgadillo, Jorge Jaime Flores-Treviño, Juan Manuel Solís-Soto, Nayely Pineda-Aguilar, Maria Argelia Akemi Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Rosa Isela Sánchez-Nájera, Shankararaman Chellam, and Claudio Cabral-Romero (2022). Antimicrobial potential of AH Plus supplemented with bismuth lipophilic nanoparticles on Enterococcus faecalis isolated from clinical isolates, Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials 1–10, DOI: 10.1177/22808000211069221
- Claudia María García-Cuellar Claudio Cabral-Romero, Rene Hernández-Delgadillo, Juan Manuel Solis-Soto, Irene Meester, Yesennia Sánchez-Pérez, Sergio Eduardo Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Nayely Pineda-Aguilar, Rosa Isela Sánchez-Nájera, María Argelia Akemi Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Shankararaman Chellam (2022). Bismuth lipophilic nanoparticles (BisBAL NP) inhibit the growth of tumor cells in a mouse melanoma model, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. DOI: 10.2174/1871520622666220215124434
- Kyungho Kim, Jothikumar Narayanan, Anindito Sen, and Shankararaman Chellam (2021). Virus Removal and Inactivation Mechanisms during Iron Electrocoagulation: Capsid and Genome Damages and Electro-Fenton Reactions. Environmental Science & Technology, 55 13198-13208
- Kristin Williamson, Sourav Das, Andrea Ferro, and S. Chellam (2021). Elemental Composition of Indoor and Outdoor Coarse Particulate Matter at an Inner-City High School. Atmospheric Environment. 261 118559
- Kyungho Kim, Jothikumar Narayanan, Anindito Sen, Jennifer L. Murphy, and Shankararaman Chellam (2021). Removal and Inactivation of an Enveloped Virus Surrogate by Iron Conventional Coagulation and Electrocoagulation. Environmental Science & Technology, 55 2674–2683
- Gupta, K. and S. Chellam (2021). Pre-Chlorination Effects on Fouling During Microfiltration of Secondary Municipal Wastewater Effluent. Journal of Membrane Science. 720 118969
- Wong, Michelle Y.; Rathod, Sagar D.; Marino, Roxanne; Li, Longlei; Howarth, Robert W.; Alastuey, Andres; Alaimo, Maria Grazia; Barraza, Francisco; Carneiro, Manuel Castro; Chellam, Shankararaman; Chen Yu-Cheng; Cohen, David D.; Connelly, David, Dongarra, Gaetano; Gomez, Dario; Hand, Jenny; Harrison, R.M.; Hopke, Philip K.; Hueglin, Christoph; Kuang, Yuan-wen; Lambert, Fabrice; Liang, James; Losno, Remi; Maenhaut, Willy; Milando, Chad; Monteiro, Maria Inês Couto; Morera-Gómez, Yasser; Querol, Xavier; Rodríguez, Sergio; Smichowski, Patricia; Varrica, Daniela; Xiao, Yi-hua, Xu, Yangjunjie; and Mahowald, Natalie M. (2021) Anthropogenic Perturbations to the Atmospheric Molybdenum Cycle, Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 35 (2), e2020GB006787
- Claudio Cabral-Romero, Claudia María García-Cuellar, Rene Hernandez-Delgadillo, Yesennia Sánchez-Pérez, Irene Meester, Juan Manuel Solís-Soto, Nayely Pineda-Aguilar, Shankararaman Chellam (2021). Synergistic antitumor activity of Gramicidin/lipophilic bismuth nanoparticles (BisBAL NPs) on human cervical tumor cells, Frontiers in Nanotechnology 3 633604, doi: 10.3389/fnano.2021.633604
- Morshad Ahmed, Bernhard Rappenglück, Sourav Das, and Shankararaman Chellam (2021). Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds, CO, SO2 and trace metals in a complex urban atmosphere Environmental Advances 6: 100127
- Sourav Das and S. Chellam (2020). Estimating Light-duty Vehicles’ Contributions to Ambient PM2.5 and PM10 at a Near-Highway Urban Elementary School via Elemental Characterization Emphasizing Rhodium, Palladium, and Platinum. Science of the Total Environment, 747 141268
- Sadegh Modarresi*, Bilal Abada*, S. Sivaranjani, Le Xie, and S. Chellam (2020). Planning of Survivable Nano-grids through Jointly Optimized Water and Electricity: The Case of Colonias at the Texas-Mexico Border. Applied Energy, 278 115586 (* denotes co-first authors)
- Gupta, K. and S. Chellam (2020). Contributions of Surface and Pore Deposition to (Ir)reversible Fouling during Constant Flux Microfiltration of Secondary Municipal Wastewater Effluent. Journal of Membrane Science 610 118231
- Nadella, M., R.R. Sharma, and S. Chellam (2020). Fit-For-Purpose Treatment of Produced Water with Iron and Polymeric Coagulant for Reuse in Hydraulic Fracturing: Temperature Effects on Aggregation and High-Rate Sedimentation. Water Research 170 115330
- Wong, M.Y., N.M. Mahowald, R. Marino, E. R. Williams, S. Chellam, and R. W. Howarth, (2020) Natural Atmospheric Deposition of Molybdenum: A Global Model and Implications for Tropical Forests, Biogeochemistry, 149 159–174
- Claudio Cabral-Romero, Juan M. Solís-Soto, Yesennia Sánchez-Pérez, Nayely Pineda-Aguilar, Irene Meester, Esther Pérez-Carrillo, Sergio E. Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Rosa I. Sánchez-Nájera, María A.A. Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Rene Hernandez-Delgadillo, Shankararaman Chellam and Claudia M. García-Cuéllar (2020). Antitumor activity of a hydrogel loaded with lipophilic bismuth nanoparticles on cervical, prostate and colon human cancer cells. Anti-Cancer Drugs, 31 (3), 251-259
- Bozlaker, A., J.M. Prospero, J. Price, and S. Chellam (2019). Identifying and Quantifying the Impacts of Advected North African Dust on the Concentration and Composition of Airborne Fine Particulate Matter in Houston and Galveston, Texas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124 (22) 12282-12300.
- Fernando Martínez-Pérez, Claudia María García-Cuellar, Rene Hernandez-Delgadillo, Valentin Zaragoza-Magaña, Yesennia Sánchez-Pérez, Irene Meester, Sergio Eduardo Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Juan Manuel Solís-Soto, María Argelia Akemi Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Shankararaman Chellam, and Claudio Cabral-Romero (2019). Comparative Study of Antitumor Activity between Lipophilic Bismuth Nanoparticles (BisBAL NPs) and Chlorhexidine on Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Nanomaterials. Article ID 8148219,
- Marco Antonio Martínez-Martínez, Rene Hernandez-Delgadillo, Bilal Saad Abada, Nayely Pineda-Aguilar, Juan Manuel Solís-Soto, María Argelia Akemi Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Sergio Eduardo Nakagoshi-Cepeda, Shankararaman Chellam, Rosa Isela Sánchez-Nájera. and Claudio Cabral-Romero (2019). Antimicrobial potential of bismuth lipophilic nanoparticles embedded into chitosan-based membrane. Dental Materials Journal, 38 (4) 611-620
- Hernandez-Delgadillo, R., C.M. García-Cuéllar, Y. Sánchez-Pérez, N. Pineda-Aguilar, M.A. Martínez-Martínez, E.E. Rangel-Padilla,S.E. Nakagoshi-Cepeda, J.M. Solís-Soto, R.I. Sánchez-Nájera, M.A.A. Nakagoshi-Cepeda, S. Chellam, and C. Cabral-Romero (2018) . In vitro evaluation of the antitumor effect of bismuth lipophilic nanoparticles (BisBAL NPs) on breast cancer cells, International Journal of Nanomedicine 13 6089–6097
- Bozlaker, A., J. Price, J.M. Prospero, and S. Chellam (2018). Linking Barbados mineral dust aerosols to North African sources using elemental composition and radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope signatures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123 (2) 1384-1400
- Cogan, N., M. Hussaini, and S. Chellam (2018). Uncertainty Propagation in a Model of Dead-end Bacterial Microfiltration using Fuzzy Interval Analysis. Journal of Membrane Science. 546, 215-224
- Chorghe, D.A., M.A. Sari, and S. Chellam (2017). Boron Removal from Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater by Aluminum and Iron Coagulation: Mechanisms and Limitations. Water Research, 126, 481-487
- E. J. Sullivan Graham, N. Baktian, L.M. Camacho, S. Chellam, A. Mroue, J. B. Sperling, K. Topolski, and P. Xu (2017). Energy for Water and Desalination. Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 4 (3) 109-116
- Cogan, N.G. and S. Chellam (2017). Global Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of a Model for Dead-End Microfiltration of Bacterial Suspensions. Journal of Membrane Science. 537, 119-127
- Bozlaker, A., J. Peccia, and S. Chellam (2017). Indoor/Outdoor Relationships and Anthropogenic Elemental Signatures in Airborne PM2.5 at a High School: Impacts of Petroleum Refining Emissions on Lanthanoid Enrichment. Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 4851-4859
- Sari, M.A. and S. Chellam (2017). Electrocoagulation Process Considerations during Advanced Pretreatment for Brackish Inland Surface Water Desalination: Nanofilter Fouling Control and Permeate Water Quality. Desalination. 410, 66-76
- Baltus, R.E., A.R. Badireddy, A. Delavari, and S. Chellam (2017). Free Diffusivity of Icosahedral and Tailed Bacteriophages: Experiments, Modeling, and Implications for Virus Behavior in Media Filtration and Flocculation. Environmental Science & Technology,51 (3), pp 1433–1440
- Hernandez-Delgadillo, R., C.D. Angel-Mosqueda, J.M. Solis-Soto, S. Munguia-Moreno, N. Pineda-Aguilar, R.I. Sánchez-Nájera, S. Chellam, and C. Cabral-Romero (2017). Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities of MTA Supplemented with Bismuth Lipophilic Nanoparticles. Dental Materials Journal. 36 (4) 503-510
- Hernandez-Delgadillo, R., J.J. Martínez-Sanmiguel, J.F. Contreras-Cordero, J. Francisco, G.I. Martinez-Gonzalez, R.I. Sánchez-Nájera, S. Chellam, and C. Cabral-Romero (2017). Effect of Bismuth Lipophilic Nanoparticles (BisBAL NPs) on Trichomonas vaginalis Growth. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 17 4618-4622
- Sari, M.A. and S. Chellam (2017). Relative Contributions of Organic and Inorganic Fouling during Nanofiltration of Inland Brackish Surface Water. Journal of Membrane Science. 523, 68-76
- Sari, M.A. and S. Chellam (2016). Reverse Osmosis Fouling during Pilot-Scale Municipal Water Reuse: Evidence for Aluminum Coagulant Carryover. Journal of Membrane Science. 520, 231-239
- Cogan, N.G., J. Li, A.R. Badireddy, and S. Chellam (2016). Optimal Backwashing in Dead-end Bacterial Microfiltration with Irreversible Attachment Mediated by Extracellular Polymeric Substances Production. Journal of Membrane Science. 520, 337-344
- Chellam, S. and M.A. Sari (2016). Aluminum electrocoagulation as pretreatment during microfiltration of surface water containing NOM: A review of fouling, NOM, DBP, and virus control, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304, 490-501
- Oveza, S., T. Turkena, B. Kose-Mutlua, S. Okatana, G. Durmaza, M.C. Guclua, S. Guclua, S. Chellam, I. Koyuncu (2016). Manufacturing of antibiofouling polymeric membranes with bismuth-BAL chelate (BisBAL). Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (28), 12941-12955
- Hernandez-Delgadillo, R., A.R. Badireddy, J.J. Martínez-Sanmiguel, J.F. Contreras-Cordero, J. Francisco, G.I. Martinez-Gonzalez, R.I. Sánchez-Nájera, S. Chellam, and C. Cabral-Romero (2016). Cytotoxic Effect of Lipophilic Bismuth Dimercaptopropanol Nanoparticles on Epithelial Cells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 203-209
- Hernandez-Delgadillo, R., A.R. Badireddy, V. Zaragoza-Magaña, R.I. Sánchez-Nájera, S. Chellam, and C. Cabral Romero (2015). Effect of lipophilic bismuth nanoparticles (BisBAL NPs) on Erythrocytes. Journal of Nanomaterials. Article ID 264024
- Sari, M.A. and S. Chellam (2015). Mechanisms of boron removal from hydraulic fracturing wastewater by aluminum electrocoagulation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 458,103-111
- Basavaraju, A. N., R.E. Baltus, C.T. Tanneru, and S. Chellam (2015). Effect of Electrostatic Interactions on Rejection of Capsular and Spherical Particles from Porous Membranes: Theory and Experiment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 448, 492-500
- Tanneru, C.T. N. Jothikumar, V.R. Hill, and S. Chellam (2014). Relative Insignificance of Virus Inactivation during Aluminum Electrocoagulation of Saline Waters. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (24), 14590-14598
- Cogan, N.G. and S. Chellam (2014). A Method for Determining the Optimal Back-Washing Frequency and Duration for Dead-End Microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 469, 410-417
- Badireddy, A.R., R. Hernandez-Delgadillo, R.I. Sánchez-Nájera, S. Chellam, and C. Cabral-Romero (2014). Synthesis and Characterization of Lipophilic Bismuth-dimercaptopropanol Nanoparticles and their Effects on Oral Microorganisms Growth and Biofilm Formation. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16, article 2456
- Gamage, N.P. and S. Chellam (2014). Mechanisms of Physically Irreversible Fouling during Surface Water Microfiltration and Mitigation by Aluminum Electroflotation Pretreatment. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (2), 1148-1157
- Badireddy, A.R., J.F. Budarz, S.M. Marinakos, S. Chellam, and M.R. Wiesner (2014). Formation of Silver Nanoparticles in Visible Light-Illuminated Waters: Mechanism and Possible Impacts on the Persistence of AgNPs and Bacterial Lysis. Environmental Engineering and Science (special issue: Environmental Nanomaterials), 31, 338-349
- Bozlaker, A., N.J. Spada, M.P. Fraser, and S. Chellam (2014). Elemental Characterization of PM2.5 and PM10 Emitted from Light Duty Vehicles in the Washburn Tunnel of Houston, Texas: Release of Rhodium, Palladium, and Platinum. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (1), 54-62
- Bozlaker, A., J.M. Prospero, M.P. Fraser, and S. Chellam (2013). Quantifying the Contribution of Long-Range Saharan Dust Transport on Particulate Matter Concentrations in Houston, Texas, using Detailed Elemental Analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 10179-10187
- Tanneru, C.T., J.D. Rimer, and S. Chellam (2013). Sweep Flocculation and Adsorption of Viruses on Aluminum Flocs during Electrochemical Treatment Prior to Surface Water Microfiltration. Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 4612-4618
- Agasanapura, B., R.E. Baltus, C.T. Tanneru, and S. Chellam (2013). Membrane Rejection of Non-Spherical Particles: Modeling and Experiment. AIChE Journal, 59, 3863-3873
- Clements, A.L., B. Buzcu-Guven, M.P. Fraser, P. Kulkarni, and S. Chellam (2013). Role of Particulate Metals in Heterogeneous Secondary Sulfate Formation. Atmospheric Environment, 75, 233-240
- Sari, M.A. and S. Chellam (2013). Surface Water Nanofiltration Incorporating (Electro)Coagulation – Microfiltration Pretreatment: Fouling Control and Membrane Characterization. Journal of Membrane Science, 437, 249-256
- Bozlaker, A., B. Buzcu-Güven, M.P. Fraser, and S. Chellam (2013). Insights into PM10 Sources in Houston, Texas: Role of Petroleum Refineries in Enriching Lanthanoid Metals during Episodic Emission Events. Atmospheric Environment, 69, 109-117
- Badireddy, A.R., S.M. Marinakos, S. Chellam, and M.R. Wiesner (2013). Lipophilic Bismuth Nanoparticles Inhibit Bacterial Growth, Attachment, and Impairs Biofilms, Surface Innovations, 1 (SI3), 181-189.
- Bensalah, N., A. Bedoui, S. Chellam, and A. Abdel-Wahab (2013). Electro-Fenton Treatment of Photographic Processing Wastewaters. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 41, 635-644
- Spada, N.J., A. Bozlaker, and S. Chellam (2012). Multi-Elemental Characterization of Tunnel and Road Dusts in Houston, TX using Dynamic Reaction Cell-Quadrupole – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry: Evidence for the Release of Platinum Group and Anthropogenic Metals from Motor Vehicles. Analytica Chimica Acta, 735, 1-8 (cover feature and rated as being “exceptionally high quality” by the Editor)
- Badireddy, A.R., J.F. Burdaz, S. Chellam, and M.R. Wiesner, (2012). Bacteriophage Inactivation by UV-A Illuminated Fullerenes: Role of Nanoparticle-Virus Association and Biological Targets. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 5963-5970
- Kurt, E., D.Y. Imer, N. Dizge, S. Chellam, and I. Koyuncu (2012). Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis for Process Reuse of Segregated Textile Dyewash Wastewater. Desalination, 302, 24-32
- Gamage, N.P., J. Rimer, and S. Chellam, (2012). Improvements in Permeate Flux by Aluminum Electroflotation Pretreatment during Constant Pressure Microfiltration of Surface Water. Journal of Membrane Science, 411-412, 45-53.
- Tanneru, C.T. and S. Chellam, (2012). Mechanisms of Virus Control during Iron Electrocoagulation – Microfiltration of Surface Water. Water Research, 46, 2111-2120.
- Liu, L., J. Liu, B. Gao, F. Yang, and S. Chellam, (2012). Fouling Reductions in a Membrane Bioreactor using Electric Field and Cathodic Membrane Modified by Vapor Phase Polymerized Pyrrole. Journal of Membrane Science, 394–395, 202-208.
- Chellam, S. and N.G. Cogan (2011). Colloidal and Bacterial Fouling during Constant Flux Microfiltration: Comparison of Classical Blocking Laws with a Unified Model Combining Pore Blocking and EPS Secretion. Journal of Membrane Science, 382, 148-157.
- Gamage, N.P. and S. Chellam (2011). Aluminum Electrocoagulation Pretreatment Reduces Fouling during Surface Water Microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 379, 97-105.
- Badireddy, A.R. and S. Chellam (2011). Bismuth Dimercaptopropanol (BisBAL) Inhibits Formation of Multispecies Wastewater Flocs. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 110, 1426-1437.
- Danadurai, S.K.K, S. Chellam, C-T. Lee, and M.P. Fraser, (2011). Trace Elemental Analysis of Airborne Particulate Matter using Dynamic Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry: Application to Monitoring Episodic Industrial Emission Events. Analytica Chimica Acta, 686, 40-49.
- Bellona, C, K. Budgell, D. Ball, K. Spangler, J. Drewes, and S. Chellam (2011). Models to Predict Organic Contaminant Removal by RO and NF Membranes. IDA Journal: Desalination and Water Reuse, 3, 40-44.
- Badireddy, A.R., S. Chellam, P. L. Gassman, M. H. Engelhard, A. S. Lea, and K. M. Rosso, (2010). Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Bioflocculation of Activated Sludge Microorganisms under Glucose-controlled Conditions. Water Research, 44, 4505-4516.
- Kulkarni, P. and S. Chellam, (2010). Disinfection By-Product Formation Following Chlorination of Drinking Water: Artificial Neural Network Models and Changes in Speciation with Treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 408, 4202-4210.
- Altunkaynak, A. and S. Chellam, (2010). Prediction of Specific Permeate Flux during Crossflow Microfiltration of Polydispersed Colloidal Suspensions by Fuzzy Logic Models. Desalination, 253, 188-194.
- Cogan, N.G. and S. Chellam (2009). Incorporating Pore Blocking, Cake Filtration, and EPS Production in a Model for Constant Pressure Bacterial Fouling During Dead-end Microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 345, 81-89.
- Hotze, E.M., Badireddy, A.R., S. Chellam, and M.R. Wiesner, (2009). Mechanisms of Bacteriophage Inactivation via Singlet Oxygen Generation in UV Illuminated Fullerol Suspensions. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 6639-6645.
- Baltus, R; A.R. Badireddy, W. Xu, and S. Chellam, (2009). Analysis of Configurational Effects on Hindered Convection of Nonspherical Bacteria and Viruses across Microfiltration Membranes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 2404-2413.
- Kulkarni, P., S. Chellam, and M.P. Fraser, (2009). Response to Comment on “Tracking Petroleum Refinery Emission Events Using Lanthanum and Lanthanides as Elemental Markers for PM2.5”. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 2990-2991.
- Chellam, S., R.R. Sharma, G.R. Shetty, and Y. Wei, (2008). Nanofiltration of Pretreated Lake Houston Water: Disinfection by-Product Speciation, Relationships, and Control. Separation and Purification Technology, 64, 160-169.
- Sharma, R.R. and S. Chellam, (2008). Solute Rejection by Porous Thin Film Composite Nanofiltration Membranes at High Feed Water Recoveries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 328, 353-366.
- Badireddy, A.R., B.R. Korpol, S. Chellam, P. L. Gassman, M. H. Engelhard, A. S. Lea, and K. M. Rosso, (2008). Spectroscopic Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens: Suppression using Sub-Inhibitory Concentrations of Bismuth Thiols. Biomacromolecules, 9, 3079-3089.
- Shim, Y., W.G. Rixey and S. Chellam, (2008). Influence of Sorption on Removal of Tryptophan and Phenylalanine during Nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 323, 99-104.
- Cogan, N.G. and S. Chellam (2008). Regularized Stokeslets Solution for 2-D Flow in Dead-end Microfiltration: Application to Bacterial Deposition and Fouling. Journal of Membrane Science, 318, 379-386.
- Bagga, A., S. Chellam, and D.A. Clifford, (2008). Evaluation of Iron Chemical Coagulation and Electrocoagulation Pretreatment for Microfiltration of Surface Water. Journal of Membrane Science, 309, 82-93.
- Badireddy, A.R., S. Chellam, S. Yanina, P.L. Gassman, and K.M. Rosso, (2008). Bismuth Dimercapto-propanol (BisBAL) Inhibits the Expression of Extracellular Polysaccharides and Proteins in Brevundimonas diminuta: Implications for Membrane Microfiltration.Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99, 634-643 (highlighted as cover art).
- Kulkarni, P., S. Chellam, and M.P. Fraser, (2007). Tracking Petroleum Refinery Emission Events Using Lanthanum and Lanthanides as Elemental Markers for PM2.5. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 6748-6754.
- Kulkarni, P., S. Chellam, J.B. Flanagan, and R.K.M. Jayanty, (2007). Microwave digestion – ICP-MS for elemental analysis in ambient aerosols: Rare earth elements and validation using a filter borne fine particle standard reference material. Analytica Chimica Acta, 599, 170-176.
- Badireddy, A.R., E.M. Hotze, S. Chellam, P.J.J. Alvarez, and M.R. Wiesner, (2007). Inactivation of Bacteriophages via Photosensitization of Fullerol Nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 6627-6632.
- Shim, Y. and S. Chellam, (2007). Steric and Electrostatic Interactions Govern Nanofiltration of Amino Acids. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 98, 451-461.
- Kulkarni, P., S. Chellam, and D.W. Mittlefehldt (2007). Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Industrial Fluidized Bed Catalytic Cracking Catalysts using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta, 581, 247-259.
- Chellam, S. and M. Liu, (2006). Effect of Slip on Existence, Uniqueness, and Behavior of Similarity Solutions for Laminar Flow in Permeable Tubes and Channels. Physics of Fluids, 18, publication number 083601, DOI: 10.1063/1.2236302.
- Sharma, R.R. and S. Chellam (2006). Frictional Interpretation of Thermodynamic Transport Parameters for Porous Nanofiltration Membranes. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology (Aqua) (invited paper for the special theme issue “New Developments in Particle Separation”), 55 (7-8), 571-587.
- Chellam, S. and W. Xu, (2006). Blocking Laws Analysis of Dead-end, Constant Flux Microfiltration of Compressible Cakes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,301 (1), 248-257.
- Sharma, R.R. and S. Chellam, (2006). Temperature and Concentration Effects on Electrolyte Transport across Porous Thin Film Composite Nanofiltration Membranes: Pore Transport Mechanisms and Energetics of Permeation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 298 (1), 327-340.
- Kulkarni, P., S. Chellam, and M.P. Fraser, (2006). Lanthanum and Lanthanides in Atmospheric Fine Particles and their Apportionment to Refinery and Petrochemical Operations in Houston, TX. Atmospheric Environment, 40 (3), 508-520.
- Zhu, B., D.A. Clifford, and S. Chellam, (2005). Virus Removal by Iron Coagulation–Microfiltration. Water Research, 39 (20), 5153-5161.
- Xu, W. and S. Chellam, (2005). Initial Stages of Bacterial Fouling during Dead-end Microfiltration. Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (17), 6470-6476. (Published in the Charles R. O’Melia Tribute issue.)
- Zhao, Y., J.S. Taylor, S. Chellam, (2005). Predicting RO/NF Solute Mass Transfer by Modified Solution Diffusion Model and Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Membrane Science,263 (1-3), 38-46.
- Zhu, B., D.A. Clifford, and S. Chellam, (2005). Comparison of Electrocoagulation and Chemical Coagulation Pretreatment for Enhanced Virus Removal Using Microfiltration Membranes. Water Research, 39 (13), 3098-3108.
- Sharma, R.R. and S. Chellam, (2005). Temperature Effects on the Morphology of Porous Thin Film Composite Nanofiltration Membranes. Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (13), 5022-5030.
- Chellam, S. (2005). Artificial Neural Network Model for Transient Crossflow Microfiltration of Polydispersed Suspensions. Journal of Membrane Science,258 (1-2), 35-42.
- Han, K., W. Xu, A. Ruiz, P. Ruchhoeft, and S. Chellam, (2005). Fabrication and Characterization of Polymeric Microfiltration Membrane Filters using Aperture Array Lithography. Journal of Membrane Science,249 (1-2), 193-206.
- Chellam, S., P. Kulkarni, and M.P. Fraser, (2005). Emissions of Organic Compounds and Trace Metals in Fine Particulate Matter from Motor Vehicles: A Tunnel Study in Houston, TX. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 55 (1), 60-72.
- Xu, W., S. Chellam, and D.A. Clifford, (2004). Indirect Evidence for Deposit Rearrangement during Dead-End Microfiltration of Iron Coagulated Suspensions. Journal of Membrane Science,239 (2), 243-254.
- Kulkarni, P., S. Chellam, G. Ghurye, and M.P. Fraser, (2003). In Situ Generation of Hydrofluoric Acid during Microwave Digestion of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Prior to Trace Element Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Engineering Science, 20 (6), 517-531.
- Buzcu, B., M.P. Fraser, P. Kulkarni, and S. Chellam, (2003). Source Identification and Apportionment of Fine Particulate Matter in Houston, TX Using Positive Matrix Factorization. Environmental Engineering Science, 20 (6), 533-545.
- Shetty, G.R. and S. Chellam, (2003). Predicting Membrane Fouling during Municipal Drinking Water Nanofiltration using Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Membrane Science, 217 (1-2), 69-86.
- Shetty, G.R., H. Malki, and S. Chellam, (2003). Predicting Contaminant Removal during Municipal Drinking Water Nanofiltration using Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Membrane Science, 212 (1-2), 99-112.
- Sharma, R.R., R. Agrawal, and S. Chellam, (2003). Temperature Effects on Sieving Characteristics of Polymeric Nanofiltration Membranes: Pore Size Distributions and Solute Rejection. Journal of Membrane Science, 223 (1-2), 69-87.
- Shetty, G.R., R.R. Sharma, and S. Chellam, (2002). Scale-Up Methodology for Municipal Water Nanofiltration Based on Permeate Water Quality. Environmental Engineering Science, (invited paper in the special issue on “membrane separations in aquatic systems”) 19 (6), 545-562.
- Chellam, S. and D.A. Clifford, (2002). Physical-Chemical Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated by Leachate from Surface Disposal of Uranium Tailings. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 128 (10), 942-952.
- Chellam, S. and S.W. Krasner, (2001). Disinfection Byproduct Relationships and Speciation in Chlorinated Nanofiltered Waters. Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (19), 3988-3999.
- Chellam, S. and J.S. Taylor, (2001). Simplified Analysis of Contaminant Rejection during Ground- and Surface Water Nanofiltration under the Information Collection Rule. Water Research, 35 (10), 2460-2474.
- Chellam, S., D-T Chen, and D.J. Francis, (2001). Effects of Source Water Location, Season, and Membrane Type on Nanofilter Permeate Water Quality. Environmental Engineering Science, 18 (4), 249-258.
- Chellam, S., (2000). Effects of Nanofiltration on Trihalomethane and Haloacetic Acid Precursor Removal and Speciation in Waters Containing Low Concentrations of Bromide Ion. Environmental Science and Technology, 34 (9), 1813-1820.
- Jacangelo, J.G., S. Chellam and T.P. Bonacquisti, 2000. Treatment of Surface Water by Double Membrane Systems: Assessment of Fouling, Permeate Water Quality and Costs, Water Supply, 18 (1), 438-441.
- Wiesner, M.R. and S. Chellam, 1999. The Promise of Membrane Technology, Environmental Science and Technology, 33 (17), 360A-366A.
- Chellam, S. and J.G. Jacangelo, (1998). Existence of Critical Recovery and Impacts of Operational Mode on Potable Water Microfiltration. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 124 (12), 1211-1219.
- Chellam, S., C.A. Serra, and M.R. Wiesner, (1998). Estimating Costs for Integrated Membrane Systems. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 90 (11), 96-104.
- Chellam, S., J.G. Jacangelo, and T.P. Bonacquisti, (1998). Modeling and Experimental Verification of Pilot-Scale Hollow Fiber, Direct Flow Microfiltration with Periodic Backwashing. Environmental Science and Technology, 32 (1), 75-81.
- Chellam, S. and M.R. Wiesner, (1998). Evaluation of Crossflow Filtration Models Based on Shear-Induced Diffusion and Particle Adhesion: Complications Induced by Feed Suspension Polydispersivity. Journal of Membrane Science, 138 (1), 83-97.
- Clark M.M., S. Allgeier, G. Amy, S. Chellam, F. DiGiano, M. Elimelech, S. Freeman, J. Jacangelo, K. Jones, J.M. Laine, J. Lozier, B. Marinas, R. Riley, J. Taylor, M. Thompson, J. Vickers, M. Wiesner, and A. Zander, (1998). Committee report: Membrane processes. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 90 (6), 91-105.
- Chellam, S., J.G. Jacangelo, T.P. Bonacquisti, and B.A. Schauer, (1997). Effect of Pretreatment on Surface Water Nanofiltration. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 89 (10), 77-89.
- Braghetta, A., J.G. Jacangelo, S. Chellam, M.L. Hotaling, and B.A. Utne, (1997). DAF Pretreatment: Its Effect on MF Performance. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 89 (10), 90-101.
- Chellam, S. and M.R. Wiesner, (1997). Particle Back-Transport and Permeate Flux Behavior in Crossflow Membrane Filters. Environmental Science and Technology, 31 (3), 819-824.
- Chellam, S., M.R. Wiesner, and C. Dawson, (1995). Laminar Flow in Porous Ducts. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 11 (1), 53-99.
- Chellam, S., and M.R. Wiesner, (1993). Slip Flow in Porous Media with Permeable Boundaries: Implications for the Dimensional Scaling of Packed Beds. Water Environment Research, 65 (6), 744-749.
- Chellam, S. and M.R. Wiesner, (1993). Fluid Mechanics and Fractal Aggregates. Water Research, 27 (9), 1493-1496.
- Chellam, S. and M.R. Wiesner, (1993). Laminar Flow with Slip in a Channel with Uniformly Porous Walls. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 119 (1), 126-132.
- Chellam, S. and M.R. Wiesner, (1992). Particle Transport in Clean Membrane Filters in Laminar Flows. Environmental Science and Technology, 26 (8), 1611-1621.
- Chellam, S., M.R. Wiesner, and C. Dawson, (1992). Slip at a Uniformly Porous Boundary: Effect on Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 26 (4), 481-492.
- Wiesner, M.R. and S. Chellam, (1992). Mass Transport Considerations for Pressure-Driven Membrane Processes in Potable Water Treatment. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 84 (1), 88-95.
- Chellam, S., and M.R. Wiesner, (1992). Macrocolloidal Transport in Membrane Filters in Slow Laminar Flows: Polarization Chromatography. Water Science and Technology, 26 (9-11), 2277-2280.
Book Chapters and Other Authoritative Works
- David Sedlak, Meagan Mauter, Jordan Macknick, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, Peter Fiske, Deborah Agarwal, Thomas Borch, Richard Breckenridge, Tzahi Cath, Shankar Chellam, Amy Childress, Dion Dionysius, Daniel Giammar, Eric Hoek, Sunny Jiang, Lynn Katz, Jaehong Kim, Robert Kostecki, Jeffrey McCutcheon, Yarom Polsky, Zachary Stoll, Pei Xu (2021). National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) Master Technology Roadmap.
- T. Cath, S. Chellam, L. Katz, R. Breckenridge, K. Ellison, J. Macknick, J. Monnell, N. Rao, D. Sedlak, and J. Stokes-Draut (2021). Resource Extraction Sector Technology Roadmap. Department of Energy Publication Number: DOE/GO-102021-5567. This roadmap was a gargantuan effort under the auspices of Department of Energy’s National Alliance for Water Innovation over a period of nearly 2-years following two expert workshops and innumerable videoconferences.
- T. Cath, S. Chellam, L. Katz, J. Kim, R. Breckenridge, J. Macknick, J. Monnell, T. Rogers, D. Sedlak, S. Seetharaman, and J. Stokes-Draut (2021). Industrial Sector Technology Roadmap. Department of Energy Publication Number: DOE/GO-102021-5562. This roadmap was a gargantuan effort under the auspices of Department of Energy’s National Alliance for Water Innovation over a period of nearly 2-years following two expert workshops and innumerable videoconferences.
- Bozlaker, A. and S. Chellam (2015). Measurement of the trace element composition of airborne particulate matter and its use in source apportionment: Case studies of lanthanoids and platinum group metals from Houston, TX. ACS Symposium Series 1210 “Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water,” Division of Environmental Chemistry. Pages 3-36 Editors: K. Evans, K. Lanigan, E. Roberts-Kirchhoff, A. Rihana, and M. Benvenuto. (ISBN: 978-0-8412-3110-8).
- Cabral-Romero, C. and S. Chellam (2014). Bismuth Nanoparticles: Antimicrobials of Broad-Spectrum, Low Cost and Safety, Chapter 17 in Nanomedicine, Pages 430 – 438, (Editors: Professors Alexander Seifalian, Achala de Mel, and Deepak M. Kalaskar) One Central Press. ISBN (eBook): 978-1-910086-01-8
- Chellam, S. and A. Bozlaker (2015). Characterization of Platinum Group Metals and Other Elements in Road Dusts and Airborne Particles in Houston, Texas: Method Development and Sources, in Platinum Metals in the Environment, (C. Wiseman and F. Zereini Editors) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-662-44558-7 and ISSN: 1431-6250.
- Badireddy, A.R. and S. Chellam (2014). Antibacterial and Antifouling Properties of Lipophilic Bismuth Compounds, Chapter 1 in Advances in Chemistry Research, Volume 21, pages 1 – 28 (James C. Taylor, Editor) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, N.Y. (ISBN: 978-1-62948-742-7 eBook).
- Chellam, S. (2013). Microfiltration in Encyclopedia of Membrane Science and Technology, (E.M. Hoek and V.V. Tarabara, Editors), John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ (ISBN 9780470906873).
- Chellam, S. and A.K. Zander, (2005). Chapter 3 – Membrane Science and Theory, in Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membranes for Drinking Water, American Water Works Association, Denver, CO (ISBN 1-58321-360-0).
- Chellam, S., (2005). Bromide Influence on Trihalomethane and Haloacetic Acid Formation, in Water Encyclopedia: Water Quality and Resource Development, Jay H. Lehr and Jack Keeley Editors, John Wiley and Sons, (ISBN: 0-471-73686-4).
- Chellam, S., (2002). Air Stripping and Aeration, p. 93 – 112 in “Control of Microorganisms in Drinking Water”. American Society of Civil Engineers. S. Lingireddy Editor. (ISBN: 0-7844-0635-9).
- Chellam, S. and J.G. Jacangelo, (2001). Critical Recovery Concept in Constant Flux Microfiltration and Effects of Operational Mode on Microfilter Performance, p. 43 – 54, Chapter 4 in Membrane Practices for Water Treatment, AWWA Trends in Water Science Series, Duranceau, S. J. Editor. (ISBN: 1-58321-147-0).